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I've had a lot of volunteering experiences around the world but working in Fort Portal with the OBAAT team was undoubtedly the best one yet. We were building a playground at a local orphanage which was very heartwarming. I got to meet lots of friendly local people who I am still in touch with today via social media.
Dante Makin
The entire skill exchange experience was really useful for both us and our new friends in Uganda. The culture, the people, the spirit, the aspirations really humbled me as a person and I was able to take this back with me to the UK. When I visited again I felt like a local resident as lots of people recognised me from the first trip. I hope that my time there was useful for the One Brick Project, and it is a time I will hold close to my heart.
Daz Morland
Volunteering at St Peter’s and Paul’s Primary School was one of the best experiences of my life. Both the teachers and the pupils were inspiring and there was lots of opportunities to be involved in different aspects of school life, from the garden project to the annual teachers vs. pupils football match! I have amazing memories from my time in Uganda that I will treasure forever.
Jody Crutchley
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Liverpool Hope University
Taggart Avenue
Liverpool, L16 9JD
United Kingdom
NGO number 1155099
OBAAT Uganda
Bankside Road
P. O. BOX 349
Fort Portal, Uganda
NGO number 11726