TRAINING PROJECT: Kagote Primary School
Kagote Primary is a mixed school that first opened in 1958. It started as 3 grass thatched classrooms with the aim of educating the local area as the only school at the time. It has since grown to 533 students and 14 teachers.
The Work
The school had an existing canopy (a large corrugated roof with no walls) that we decided could be converted into a good sized classroom. We were joined by 3 UK experts from Calico to help mentor the local team from St Joseph's Technical Institute, who also provided senior builders.
The following work completed by One Brick team:
  • Construction of structure element in reinforced concrete
  • Construction of concrete ground floor
  • Construction of walls with burnt clay bricks in cement and sand mortar
  • Plastering walls outside and inside
  • Fixing facia board
  • Apron excavation, placing hard-core, casting concrete and screeding
  • Ceiling framework and fixing ceiling boards
  • Internal and external painting
  • Fitting steel doors and windows with glazing
  • Installation of gutters and pipes to the existing water harvesting tank
We successfully converted the canopy into a modern classroom with a capacity for at least 60 students per class. The Head teacher Ms Christine Tamale presented One Brick a gift as a way of appreciation. All those who participated in this programme are a testimony to the standard of the finished and the well renovated classroom building.
We also fitted some football goal posts and a football match between the trainees and One Brick/UK participants was played at the end of the project. Additionally a tree planting ceremony took place on hand-over day.
Completed April 2016
Before & During
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Liverpool Hope University
Taggart Avenue
Liverpool, L16 9JD
United Kingdom
NGO number 1155099
OBAAT Uganda
Bankside Road
P. O. BOX 349
Fort Portal, Uganda
NGO number 11726